New Runners

[t gellenbeck]

ANYONE can be a runner.  Amby Burfoot stated, “The difference between walking and running isn’t speed or biomechanics… its determination. If you have the determination to stick with a [training] program, you’ll soon be a runner.  Trust me.”

I absolutely LOVE helping convert a ‘non-runner’ into a runner.

Katie, my dearest friend, is a classic example.  Not that I’m soley responsible for converting her, but I’d like to take a little bit of credit, after harassing her for multiple years 🙂  When we first met, I’d always try to get her to come on a run with me… she would say ‘I’m not a runner!’ and we would end up walking.  After years of requesting and pressuring her, she FINALLY gave in and started training for her first 5K.  After that, it became a 10K (see photo below).  And now, I THINK I’ve got her on a half-marathon training schedule!  She is FIT, fast and loving running (and the many benefits!)

Canton 10K ~ Katie's first

Canton 10K ~ Katie’s first

If you WANT to be a runner, you CAN be!

Here are some tips for beginner runners…

  1. Make sure you have been fitted properly for the correct shoe.  This is perhaps the most important thing you can do.  A good pair may run you around $100, but it is totally worth it.  Stores around Columbus that are especially helpful include Columbus Running Co, Fleet Feet and RoadRunner.  All three are good, but RoadRunner has the most in depth fitting process.
  2. START OFF SLOW.  Too much, too soon is where you will run into over-use injuries including shin splints, knee problems, IT band problems, etc.  Find a good training plan that has you increase mileage by no more than 10% per week.  Some people want to go out and run everyday, but unless your body is used to that, I don’t recommend it.
  3. Determine what your motivation for running is (weight loss, overall health, bucket list, etc) and set up some way to keep yourself accountable.  Maybe you need a running buddy or group (check out ours!)  Maybe you just need a training schedule.  Whatever works for YOU, stick to it.  Set yourself up for success!
  4. If you have any health conditions or are pregnant, check with your doctor.  Both my family doctor and my OB were good with me running while pregnant, but my body was already used to it.  A good rule of thumb is to not try anything NEW after you’ve become pregnant (with the exception of walking).

So come join us for a run sometime and see for yourself!

For more running tips…

Send any questions our way and we’d be happy to help!


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